Re: [8lgm]-Advisory-14.UNIX.SCO-prwarn.12-Nov-1994

Neil Woods (
Thu, 1 Dec 1994 05:10:05 +0100 (GMT)

> > Change that in: "how quickly Sun came with not-working patches"
> > Note too that the patch that finally fixed the /var/spool/mail
> > race conditions appeared months after the last 8lgm advisory.
> > 
> The Sun patch fixed some of the problems and made the race harder to win.

It didn't fix any problem I know of - it made it harder to append to files,
but easier to create files (in fact there was no race to create files).
Personally I'd consider this a step back.

>  It
> also filled the particular hole that particular 8lgm script exposed.  Better
> than a cryptic message from 8lgm saying "there is a bug in mail" and better
> than hearing nothing at all from CERT until Sun believes they have the bug
> fixed.  

It stopped our original script from appending to files.  The script
was supposed to be a sample exploitation, not the be-it-and-end-all
of the hole.  You could patch cc so as to not compile mailrace.c with
similar success 8).

CERT were supplied with a script in May for the current mail advisory,
and I supplied it to several people at Sun in the autumn (fall) in
case CERT wasnt passing this on.

> And if it takes several iterations for Sun to do this, and they
> don't have whatever added pressure a widely-distributed exploit script adds,
> this might a year or more for systems to be vulnerable to those who know
> about this bug.  And with every passing day the chance someone else will
> independly discover it increases...

Well we have provided src to fix this, so hopefully it won't take
another seven months.



Bull in the Heather, Me and My Charms, The Lights, Sensual World, Go, Ritual,
Handsome and Gretel, Take Me, Blue Room, Drunken Butterfly, She's Lost Control. a badger with an afro throwing sparklers at the Pope...